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Bikes. Parts. Chaos.

Seems like a good idea to ride out to Bluffton every year to shake off the previous year's cobwebs. This year's start was about -2 degrees and a couple of fresh inches of snow had fallen the day before. Perfect.

A professional photographer I will never be, but taking good shots with mittens on is hard, so shut up.

Front, right side view of a Surly BIg Dummy bike, with cyclists standing next to it, on snow covered ground

Important supplies hauled by idiot in shorts.


Surly fat bikes laying in a snowy area with cyclists standing around them

Piles of fat


Four cyclists wearing winter attire, standing in snow, with their bikes and a white SUV behind them

Looks cold. Howzabout a beer?


Upward, waist up view of 2 people wearing helmets and ski goggles, standing next to each other

More cold


Straight away view of a snow covered bridge, with fat bikes against the sides, and cyclists walking on the deck

The Bridge


Front view of a person standing behind a bar, holding a coffee cup that's set on the top



Blurry, downward view of people sitting around a table, inside a bar

Things getting fuzzy


I'm not the kind of person to make a lot of New Year's resolutions or anything, but doing this more often probably wouldn't be the worst thing. Good luck out there this year. We're all counting on you.

