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Bikes. Parts. Chaos.

So last year Jim and I went down to good old Decorah, Iowa to a super awesome event called "DirtBurger".  (you can read all about it here )

Long story short, we got wet and didn't ride. This year, Sov decided for various reasons, not to have DirtBurger at all. So Jim and I decided that we would make Sov host...

Wait for it...


A colored flyer of an event for Jim & Tyler Burger, with an animated drawing of 2 people sitting under a tent

So if you're close to these necks of the woods this weekend, and you like to ride bikes, or like to get drunk, passout, and have Jim and Tyler draw on your face with a Sharpie, you should come and ride a bit (or if you are really rich and own your own plane, or have lots of miles saved up, or are just that kind of fool).