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Bikes. Parts. Chaos.
Hi there. Xtracycle has improved their Freeloader bags so they now attach to your Big Dummy or Freerad frame more easily and securely. We've added new braze ons to the Big Dummy frame to accomodate. Good idea found here, and also at the top of Spew #19, creatively entitled Big Dummy, found on the right side of our blog page. ************************************************************************************* Eric Parsons of Epic Designs (remember him?) is as great a nutjob as you could hope to meet. Plus his bags rock. When he sent me the link to his next adventure, I asked, "Is this trip a bigger version of the one you just did?" and he replied, "Yes its hugely bigger, 300 miles and about 18 days. The big one. The other trips were for learning and practice." For the record, the practice trips were not exactly strolls to the candy store. In the immortal words of Steve Swobo: Get action, honky. Updates as events warrant. ************************************************************************************* The Johnsonator sends this link from Defgrip. You think your bike sound system is dope? Get in line, Joe Cool. ************************************************************************************* Evi-dense from the United State of Phaty that bike jousting is not just for the Black Labels anymore: Did that guy take a spear to the throat? Ouch... ************************************************************************************* Oh, and How's Luby? Luby's going to be just fine. ************************************************************************************* ...And it just keeps rolling in. Hello God? It's Me Johnny sends a link that reads in part "we can paint your bike like a zebra, any colors." Awesomeosity. That is all. -----