Wheel Repair 101:
Many of us have had to make use of this technique this at one time or another. Sov, pictured here, uses it fairly regularly, but that is due in part to his choice of riding style and companions.
In my life as a shop rat, lo these many moons ago, my co-rats and I saw many bad wheels, as shop rats do (not to mention lots of other things...have you ever tried to track down a Positron shift cable?). One guy brought in a wheel best descibed as 'undead.' It was far to badly taco'd to save. The customer insisted that he wanted it repaired. After 10 minutes of careful explanation, each attempt more dumbed down than the previous, my co-worker finally realized he was not going to get through to the guy. He said, "Ok, hold on, I'll see if I can fix it," and proceeded to raise the wheel high above his head and smack it down with full force on the floor. The resulting noise made everybody in the store jump (no one admitted to piddling in their drawers but the noise was loud enough to give a squirrel a heart attack). The wheel, still wobbly but remarkably better than moments before, was handed back to the customer without a word. He left.