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Bikes. Parts. Chaos.
London goes Hard Core Looks like some severe weather has hit our UK friends. Man, that green grass visible through your "snowdrifts" makes me truly believe you've got it rough. Still, many points for "Creative use of a Surly in a Snow Sculpture," "Inclusion of Human Waste Receptacles," and "Excellence in Smoking Promotion." 4 stars! Speaking of the UK, I've just returned from said island and I have this to report: Guinness tastes better there (I made a 4 day longitudinal study of this), "taking the piss" is a great thing to do in any country, and finally, don't look down at the ring. *punch* It's like I'm 13 again - except this time acne is more sport than lifestyle, and I am (if only slightly) less afraid of talking to girls. Hey to Lloyd, Andy, Matt, Stu, Maz, and the rest - Surly's UK connection at ISON Distribution. Five quid from each of you to not have the incriminating photos posted. Pay up. -Skip -----