How Was Your Halloween?
Ours was not too shabby. Nick hosted his annual bash, and rather than try and explain it I think you should just refer to the pictures below. I will say I'm glad parties like this only come once a year, though.
The hottie on the left is none other than Andy Corson. The charming clown is Nick Sande.
I went as a Twister game. I could never have imagined how my night would end up when I chose this costume.
Emily Richard showed up as Working Girl, and boy did she look hot. Fellers, she's available.
P.J. Ramstack showed up as the creepy uncle. I'm really sorry I even took this picture.
Unfortunately I didn't get pix of Sov and his lady, or Grayboy (as some kind of winged rodent).
As for Homey Fall Fest report, that ain't my thing, cuz I took zero photos. I did take about an hour of video though. Send me $19.995 plus S&H and I'll send you a copy right out.