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Bikes. Parts. Chaos.

The following is a recipe that I’d like to share with you all.  There are many variations on this recipe, but the common theme can be boiled down to the ingredients listed below (you might even have some of these around).

This recipe will make bikes that are great for fun in the snow, fun for the dirt, fun grocery getting, and general fun having –I couldn’t recommend it more and hope you’ll enjoy it, too.

Please follow the recipe carefully, and like Julia Child always said, if you’re afraid of butter, use cream!


Start with one (1) Pugsley frameset – any color and size will do.

Add two (2) Marge Lite rims.  Bring a nice sixxer down to your wheel builder when your stuff comes in so they do a good job for you.  Use whatever hubs and spokes you feel like.

Two (2) Nate tires (front and rear).  This is important so don’t skimp!  I know they can be hard to get, but they are worth it…  *Note – For summertime use, please substitute two (2) 26” x 3.8” Knard tires.

One (1) single speed drivetrain – 33 tooth up front, 19 tooth in the rear (or so).  No need to get aggressive here – this gearing is about perfect for powder, wheelies, and powder wheelies.

One (1) 720mm or wider bar with about 11 degrees of sweep- just try it for a while before you cut it down – you’ll be amazed at the results.

One (1) 70mm length stem, max!

One (1) set of sweet flat pedals – the grippiest you can find.

Brakes and grips to taste – go as wild as you dare, here folks.

(Commence the banging of pots and pans and the fluttering of chickens in the background)

Take all of these ingredients and fill in the rest with whatever you have in the pantry.  Throw them in a crock pot with a healthy dollop of grease and wait for the magic to begin…

Right side view of a red Surly Pugsley fat bike, parked in snow along a small, snow covered hill with train tracks above